Mr v Mrs: Call the Mediator – What is Mediation?
Mediation is currently being explored with British families on the BBC2 programme Mr v Mrs: Call the Mediator. Mediation can be an effective way of resolving disputes without having to go to Court. It can be for couples or families who are separating and would like to deal with their finances or arrangements for their children. It is very important that clients attend Mediation or at least consider Mediation before commencing Court Proceedings otherwise this may cause a delay and the Judge may even pause the proceedings.
Individuals are sent to Mediation to try and come to an amicable agreement between themselves and to avoid Court costs. The Mediator who is independent and impartial is able to listen to couples concerns and can help them reach an agreeable solution to their problems. Mediation is not always successful however and you should always seek legal advice on any agreement reached.
Here are some of the reasons for attending Mediation:
- Mediation is a more relaxed and informal atmosphere.
- Court is very time consuming – Agreements can be made more quickly at Mediation providing the parties are amicable and agree.
- It can be less expensive than going to Court
Here are some of the disadvantages of attending Mediation
- You may not always be aware of your legal rights if you have not sought legal advice before.
- You may be concerned that you are entering into an agreement which is not in your best interests.
- You may feel bullied
- Mediation can sometimes favour the other party.
For advice and assistance please contact a member of our Family Department, Tiina Juhanson at our Romford office 01708 745183 or Laura Hanford at our Gidea Park office 01708 333711.
A free 30 minute no obligation appointment maybe available