Our Gaynor Lane took part in the ‘Great East End 10-Mile Walk on the 17th July to raise money for St Joseph’s Hospice.
The hospice first opened in 1905 and since then has been caring for and supporting people affected by serious illness. They try to improve the quality of life for people with life-limiting conditions and help them live life to the full, to the very end. Supporting families and carers is also an important part of what they do. The Hospice provides care for people living in North and East London.
Each year the hospice must raise over £15 million to continue providing their services to the people who need them.
Gaynor has so far raised £237 for which staff and patients are very grateful. It was also important to Gaynor to help try to raise awareness of the hospice.
Well done, a fantastic achievement. All of us at Barnes are very proud of you.